Saturday, November 12, 2011

A New Chapter

I spent most of my time these last two weeks freaking out before, during, and after school.  Most days, by the time I left school in the evening, my car waited, lonely, in the teacher's parking lot.  You see, after accepting a teaching position a few weeks ago, I've been trying to figure what exactly it is that a Reading teacher does.  I think I've finally figured it out (Yes, they teach students how to read! But that's harder than it sounds, mmmmkay?), but the difference between teaching Reading, and teaching English, which is what my training and experience were in, turned out to be larger than I expected.

I have a lot to learn, but after waiting nearly a year to have my own classroom, I am not complaining.  Outside of teaching, few careers would feed my two passions: the first, being my need for a creative outlet, and the second, believing in a higher calling to serve others.  Thus, no matter how overwhelmed I become, I have the greatest motivator of all propelling me: Gratitude. Thank you, God :-)

In other news, my job has moved me to Kissimmee, FL and into my own apartment.  That's right. I am finally doing grown up things in my grown up place..... ie: paying rent, cooking (or..ummm.. reheating Hungry Howies) and  vacuuming the carpet on Saturdays, of course.

After two whole weeks, my internet is finally up and running.  These last two internet-free weeks were dark, dark days, as I was forced to read books for entertainment and spend time in silent self-reflection...Yes, it's sad that it wasn't until I was minus TV and internet (and friends, actually) that I finally got back into the habits and hobbies I had recently abandoned. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to be so engrossed in a book that you fight off drooping eyelids while eagerly turning the pages of a novel, unable to wait another day to find out what happens next.  (I finished The Hunger Games in three days, despite my exhausting work schedule.)

I feel that my love for reading, a love that I had discovered in childhood, has finally been rekindled after a short hiatus.  And now, I'm not sure if it's that I feel myself, again, or that I am coming into a new self; A little of both is true, I suppose.  Either way, I look forward to spending many more evenings, unabashedly reading Young Adult novels, with my undeniably valid excuse, "it's for work."

To my delight, the novels have welcomed me back with open... pages.

Still, internet, it's good to have you back; those trips to Starbucks when I needed to check email (facebook) or do research (on facebook) were getting tiring.  (So, naturally, I complained about it on facebook.)

Side note: I will miss you, you over-priced Caramel Macchiattos.